Victorious Wiki
Victorious Wiki
This article is related to Hollywood Arts.

This is the page of Tori Vega's posts on

Thumbs up tori


  • Trina: Welcome to, lil sis! Hey, did you see that guy Andrew posted picks of you at the showcase? Check them out!
    • André: It's ANDRE! Not Andrew!
    • Tori: Cool picks, Andrew! JK. Sorry about my sister!
    • Trina: Why are you apologizing for me? I don't get it.

  • Beck: Well hello there! I see you found You're learning Ms. Vega! :)
    • Jade: Well, hello boyfriend. I see you found Tori on already. Grreeeaatt (That was sarcastic, btw).

  • Cat: Tori! You're on! AWESOME. Uh oh, my cat just ate my lip gloss. TTYL.

  • Tori: This pic was taken of me at my new school, Hollywood Arts. You can't see it but there is a little piece of popcorn stuck in between my teeth. Help! (Mood: victorious)

  • Tori: Just got a pedicure. Tickled so much I kicked the woman in the ear by accident. (Mood: embarrassed)

  • Tori: Music is my BF. Nothing makes me happier. Too bad music can't drive me to the movies and buy me dinner. (Mood: bored)

  • Tori: FINALLY... I... am... VICTORIOUS!!! (Mood: pumped)

  • Tori: My life = IN DANGER (Mood: anxious)
    Medium Tori

  • Tori: Lunch time. Salad with big lettuce. Still worried. (Mood: buggin')

  • Tori: Time for stage fighting class. Should I ditch? I wish. (Mood: freakin')

  • Tori: OMG - I just got called to the GUIDANCE COUNSELOR'S OFFICE. Whyyyy?! (Mood: frusterated)

  • Tori: Um, whoa. Andre just told me something X-TREMELEY interesting. I KNEW IT! (Mood: grrrrr)

  • Tori: OMG - I finally found a GREAT birthday prez for Trina. Yeee-HOOO!! (Mood: relieved)

  • Tori: Ahhh! Andre and I are writing SUCH A COOL SONG. This will be the best present Trina EVER GOT! (Mood: psyched)

  • Tori: Still MAD at Trina. U reading this Trina? Hope so! (Mood: irked)

  • Tori: Hey, everyone. Tell me what to do! I'll pick the funniest request, record me doing whatever it is, and post it right here on! (Mood: bored)

  • Tori: On a mission ...... but how did I get to be the LOVE DOCTOR?!? (Mood: hopeful)

    current avatar

  • Tori: Errgg! Nothing worse than being stucked into a fight between a BF & GF - hate it. (Mood: yuck)

  • Tori: Turkey sandwich = YAY! Monster makeup = WHY?!? (Mood: anxious)

  • Tori: I just made 2 little girls scream and run away with their cookies. (Mood: bummed)

  • Tori: Never send Trina and Cat to do ANYTHING!!! (Mood: desperate)

  • Tori: What's your favorite junk food? Pizza or Hamburger? (Mood: wondering)

  • Tori: Woohooo! Memorial Day Weekend!!!!! EXCELLENT! What's everyone up to? (Mood: happy)

  • Tori: Mmm.... now I want a blueberry muffin. I am one hungry girl! (Mood: hungry)

  • Tori: Dear fellow students: PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT MY PIMPLE!!! (Mood: embarrassed)

  • Tori: What up peeps? Check out my wall post and see if you can figure out who's feet r whose! (Mood: creative)

  • Tori: On our way to THE BEACH! Gonna COOOL off!!! So psyched. (Mood: pumped)

  • Beck: Hahahahahaha. Still thinking about Catherine Obvious!
    • Tori: Oh yeah??? Wasn't it you who said "The early bird gets the perm"?
    • Beck: Hahahahaha. Okay, you got me.
    • Tori: Why would a bird need a perm?
    • Jade: Well, hate to break up your little flirt-texting session but Beck.... I need you to come rub my feet.
    • Beck: L8t Tori. :(

  • Tori: Good-bye June gloom! Hello sunny July! (Mood: happy)

  • Tori: Okay, gonna do another "Tori Takes Request" video segment. Tell me what to do!!!! (Mood: psyched)

  • Tori: 5 AM dance class kicked my body. I think my body hates me! (Mood: exhausted)
    • Trina: BTW, just because you wake up at 4.30 in the morning doesn't mean EVERYONE in the house has to. Be quieter next time.
    • Tori: You could use a dance class or two.

  • Tori: Cats or Dogs? Trina's a Cat person. I'm a dog person. Who's right? (Mood: hmmm..)

  • Tori: Goooooooooood afternoon, Slappers! I'm eating a sandwich that is 5 inches tall at the BEST DELI in LA!! Wish you were all here with me! (Mood: hungry)

  • Tori: Just saw a roach in the bathroom. I let him live cuz I thought: How would I like it if a giant bug stepped on me? (Mood: satisfied)
    • Cat: How do you know it was a boy?

  • Tori: I told Trina that it was her turn to take out the garbage. She bit my arm. Now I'm taking out the trash with a bruised arm. (Mood: beat up)

  • Tori: Foods that feel weird in your mouth. I'll start: Mashed Potatoes. Now you... (Mood: hungry)

  • Tori: Had a bad dream. I was a goldfish trying to get out of my bowl to eat the GIANT ice cream sundae sitting on the table next to me. When I woke up I ate a giant sundae. (Mood: blissful)

  • Tori: I'm 30,000 feet UP in the air - doin' homework HELLLP! (Mood: flighty)

  • Tori: Love all my new classes—except Craft Service (Food Prep). Who wants to make bologna sandwiches for four months?? Ick. (Mood: Yuck)

  • Tori: Trina is auditioning for a role in a horror movie. She's been practicing her scream for 3 days. I'm going CRAZY! (Mood: annoyed)

  • Tori: Finish this line: The best thing about the weekend is... (Mood: thinky)

  • Tori: Acting Class with Sikowitz. YAY! Best acting teacher EVER. Weird, but good weird :D (Mood: creative)

  • Tori: Gonna be an EXTRA in a REAL MOVIE! BOOO-to-the-YAAA!!! (Mood: pumped)

  • Tori: going to studio to get Beck his job back. brought Cat. Her hair is VERY red. (Mood: buggin')

  • Tori: Ahhh! I see Melinda... wish me luck!!! (Mood: buggin')

  • Tori: O... M... G. I just made a superstar get shot in the hand. (Mood: freakin')

  • Tori: I demand PING PONG!!!! (Mood: fierce)

  • Tori: Gonna get to the bottom of this WONK. (Mood: suspicious)

  • Tori: Lunch at School = SALTY FRENCH FRY TIME! (Mood: hungry)

  • Tori: Cat Cat Cat Cat CAT ... PLEASE stop avoiding me! WE GOTTA TALK. (Mood: desperate)

  • Tori: My first KICK BACK at Hollywood Arts. Funnnnn! (Mood: partyin')

  • Tori: I did bad things with hot cheese. Uck, WHY?!? (Mood: upset)

  • Tori: Sweet potato fries are the greatest food EVER intented. I DARE you to name something better. (Mood: hungry)
    • Trina: Me.
    • Tori: You're not a food.
    • Trina: I'm better than food.

  • Tori: Hey guys! I'm taking request again! Comment below and tell me what to do in my next video! (Mood: adventurous)

  • Tori: On the count of three, let's all give each other one BIG virtual group hug. 1....2....3.... (Mood: awesome)
  • Robbie: I missed it. Redo.

  • Tori: K guys, It's almost Halloween and I don't know what my costume's gonna be yet! Suggestions??!!! (Mood: hmmm..)

  • Tori: On the way to school Trina ran over someone's mailbox. She than blamed the owner of the mailbox for putting it in a "stupid" place. (Mood: embarrassed)

  • Tori: Feeling all sweat-pansy today. Who else is with me? (Mood: lazy)

  • Tori: OMG. Trina got her wisdom teeth out. MOUTH BLOOD!!! BLECCHH (Mood: disgusted)

  • Tori: I'm about to... FREAK THE FREAK OUT. Get excited. Very ;) (Mood: pumped)

  • Tori: I do not recommend putting your PearPhone and your shampoo in the same bag when travelling. Soapy phone :( (Mood: bummed)

  • Tori: I'm dreading going Christmas shopping at the mall this weekend. Holiday shoppers are CRAZY! (Mood: scared)

  • Tori: Who ACTUALLY wants Figgy Pudding? I think this is an unrealistic song. (Mood: yuck)

  • Tori: K, the only person I still have to get a gift for is Jade. Any ideas? (Mood: hmmm..)
    • Rex: A muzzle.
    • Robbie: A heart.
    • André: A therapist.
    • Cat: How about a gift card?

  • Tori: Just finished 1/2 of a cheesecake by myself. Okay, so that resolution isn't happening. (Mood: hungry)

  • Tori: My mom always says "Everthing's hunky-dory." #parentsaysdorkythings (Mood: dorky)

  • Tori: At the hospital with a friend. Well, not really a "friend" .... more like a ... uh, nevermind. (Mood: conflicted)

  • Tori: I dare you to listen to "Freak the Freak Out" and not dance around like a crazy person! It's just not possible! (Mood: freakin')


  • Tori: Embarrassing: I was pretending to talk on the phone because I didn't want it to look like I was eating lunch alone - then it rang. (Mood: oops)

  • Tori: Okay, when you're wearing sandwich baggies on your feet, it's time to do laudry! #needcleansocks (Mood: oops)

  • Tori: Who's got a crush? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me! (Mood: crushed)

  • Tori: About to audition to THE WOOD. I think Jade spit in my coffee. :( (perky)

  • Tori: Third year in a row with no date on Valentine's Day. Guess I gotta buy my own cheap candy and tacky jewelry. (Mood: not busy)

  • Tori: I'm found on fondue. Do you find fondue fun? I find I'm due for some fondue. Okay, I'll stop. (Mood: cheesy)

  • Tori: Why is it always so nice and sunny on school days and cold and rainy on weekends? :( ATTENTION WEATHER: I NEED MORE SUNSHINE!!!! (Mood: chillin')

  • Tori: Okay so there's this really really cute guy in school who "liked" one of my you think that means he likes ME?? (Mood: wondering)

  • Tori: I feel like a real DIRECTOR! (Dale is busy again). (Mood: in charge)

  • Tori: If I have been born a boy, my parents said they would have named me Victor. Would my nickname would my nickname would just be "Tor"? (Mood: wondering)

  • Tori: Going thru old pics and found one of Trina with braces and headgear. Should I put it on TheSlap? (Mood: evil)
    • Trina: DON'T YOU DARE!
    • Tori: Then give me back my jacket.
    • Trina: Noooo.... I look so much better in it than you. :(

  • Tori: I am a POLICE OFFICER with VERY RED LIPS and I <3 RAISIN BRAN!!! (Mood: munchy)

  • Tori: Today=AWESOME. And I <3 my NEW PHONE!!! (Mood: tingly-ish)
  • Cat: Everytime I look at my PearPhone I get really hungry and want to eat it.

  • Tori: In recording studio. So COLD in here ONLY penguins could survive! (Mood: chilly)

  • Tori: Yikes! I'm about to AUDITION for a REAL MOVIE! Ahhhh!!!!! (Mood: terrified)

  • Tori: Whooo! I did my stunt. Kinda. Sorta. Well...ah, shut up. (Mood: guilty)

  • Tori: We got KE$HA!!! No more being Trina's assistant!!! CONCERT TIME!!! (Mood: triple pumped)

  • Tori: I swear that a dog on the street just said "Hello" to me! Wish I could rewind time and hear it again! (Mood: freakin')

  • Tori: Just got sprayed in the face by one of those perfume ladies at the mall. I smell like old lady and lilac. (Mood: smelly)
    • Sinjin: I love that smell!

  • Tori: Jade tried to steal my part in Steamboat Suzy. P.S. I will NOT teach Sinjin to dance. (Mood: cranky)

  • Tori: THE PROME IS READY!!! I think. I hope! ARRGGGHHH! I'm NERVOUS! (Mood: festive)

  • Tori: I'm in the middle of a lake in a paddle boat! Just thought you'd like to know. (Mood: happy)

  • Tori: Me and Steven's 100 day kiss is only 1 WEEK AWAY! Okay, so maybe I've been practicing in the mirror. Don't judge! (Mood: smoochy)
    • Rex: You can practice with me if you want.
    • Tori: Robbie, tell your puppet to stop being creepy.
    • Robbie: Yeah, like he listens to me.

  • Tori: So Pumped for Saturday Night...bringing the BF (Mood: pumped)

  • Tori: Tonight I got to hang out with iCarly and Kenan Thompson!!! Sometimes life is just AWESOME! (Mood: ecstatic)

  • Tori: Dear helicopter circling my house at 6 in the morning, Thanks. didn't feel like sleeping in today anyways. (Mood: annoyed)

  • Tori: Don't you hate when you do something totally awesome but you didn't bring a camera to prove it! (Mood: blah)

  • Tori: Guess who's new on TheSlap? It's Lane! We usually don't let faculty on here, but we make exceptions for the cool ones! (Mood: happy)

  • Tori: Hey everybody, it's Mustache Weekend on TheSlap! Edit your avatar and give yourself a stache! We all did it... join the fun! (Mood: funky)

  • Tori: RIP Goldie, you were a good fish! June 24, 2009 - July 22, 2011

  • Tori: Sister for sale. Half-price! (Mood: irritated)
    • Trina: Your face is half-price
    • Tori: That doesn't make any sense!
    • Trina: You don't make any sense!

  • Tori: Headed to Yerba—an exotic island off the coast of "Are you jealous you're not going?" :) (Mood: excited)

  • Tori: Back from Yerba! I would have brought you guys home some souvenirs, but I was too busy ESCAPING FROM PRISON!!! (Mood: relieved)

  • Tori: Hiking the trail at the Hollywood sign. Can you believe I've never done this before? I feel like such a tourist.

  • Tori: Flavored soap always makes me hungry. Which is gross, cuz who wants to be hungry while they're in the bathroom?

  • Tori: Trina keeps cutting me out of the family photos. See what I have to put up with?

  • Tori: We have a new principal and she's making us re-audition to stay at Hollywood Arts! Ahhh!!! I'm freaking out!
    • Trina: Relax! If you're half as talented as me, you have nothing to worry about.
    • Rex: I don't think it's possible to be half as talented as Trina.
    • Trina: Wait, is that an insult or a compliment?
    • Rex:I'll let you figure that one out.

  • Tori: About to RE-AUDITION for Hollywood Arts. Sweaty and Terrified.

  • Tori: First play I ever directed! Teacher sitting by me. My feet are sweaty.

  • Tori: It's Friday and I'm Cuddlin' with my Cuddle-Me-Cathy doll.
    • Rex: You could always cuddle with me instead.
    • Tori: Robbie, control your puppet.

  • Tori: Oh, Mr. Freeway how I hate thee. Let me count the delays!

  • Tori: Taking Sikowitz to a play tonight!!! He's gonna LOVE it!

  • Tori: Jade was out sick today. It was kind of weird not to be insulted for almost 14 hours. A good weird.

  • Tori: Robbie’s about to teach me all I need to know about Tech Theater. Yay?

  • Tori: I ran out of milk today so I had to dunk my cookies into fruit juice. Wasn't that bad actually. Don't judge.

  • Tori: Trina took a 50-minute shower and left me with NO HOT WATER. My toes are numb.
    • Trina:I told you to go to the gym to shower. You're so high maintenance.

  • Tori: I hate trying on masks at the Halloween store. They always smell like armpit! Think I'm going to be sick.

  • Tori: My freezer is broken! Anyone want to come over and help me eat 4 boxes of fish sticks?

  • Tori: I just ran the LA half marathon! Got a badge and everything to prove it!
    • Trina: Well, I'm only half proud of you. Let us know when you run a full marathon, lazy.

  • Tori: It's freezing today and I'm currently outside, at the Asphalt Cafe, eating an ice cream sandwich. What's wrong with me?

  • Tori: I haven't been invited to my family's Thanksgiving Day dinner yet. My mom says she checked, and I'm on the wait list.

  • Tori: Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with joy and all the best to you and yours! (Wow that might be the dorkiest thing I've ever written.)

  • Tori: Jade made a doll that looks just like me and attached it to the back of her mom's car. Every day, I watch her drag a mini-me through the school parking lot.

  • Tori: WHAT do I get "a certain person" for Christmas?!?

  • Tori: Lost one of my fave comfy socks. I bet it's just sitting somewhere mocking me!

  • Tori: Okay, I have 11 days to make 11 presents. I can totally do this if I put my mind to it… well, right after this nap.

  • Tori: Merry Christmas you crazy Slap Fans! Hope you got everything you wanted and/or gifts that are easily returnable!

  • Tori: Bloopers are hilarious. Unless, they're yours. Then they're embarrassing. Oy, It's going to be a long night. #Blooptorious

  • Tori: Great to be back at Hollywood Arts! I love the holidays but I can only take being in the same house as Trina for so long.

  • Tori: Finding your sister's toe nail clippings in your kitchen sink is DISGUSTING!
    • Trina: Those toe nails are NOT mine!
    • Tori: Really? Cuz no one else's toes are painted metallic blue in this house.
    • Trina: Okay, fine, they're mine. Don't you just love that color?

  • Tori: Any time I drive down a street in Hollywood that's been mentioned in a song, I start singing it. I'm currently on Santa Monica Blv.
    • Beck: Sounds like you're having fun!

  • Tori: All my friends and I have detention this Saturday! Sometimes I feel like my life is an 80's teen movie.

  • Tori: Y'know, I'm not really sure why we called ourselves the Breakfast Bunch but I'm really craving some bacon and eggs right about now.

  • Tori: Party time - gonna sing in front of a HUGE MUSIC PRODUCER. My feet are sweating - AHHH!

  • Tori: Driving with Cat and Jade to the house of some lady (who's no longer, um… living.)

  • Tori: Me two hours ago: Going to the ballet to get more culture! Yay! Me now: Ugh, why is culture so boring!

IMG 2044
  • Tori: Rehearsing a play. I have a MUSTACHE... and I think I like it. :{)

  • Tori: Question: should I drive 2 hours to sit by a pool in Palm Springs, or walk 2 seconds to sit by the pool in my own backyard?
    • Jade: Palm Springs and never come back.
    • Tori: Whoa, what did I do to you today?
    • Jade: Nothing, just realized I hadn't insulted you in awhile.

  • Tori: I just saw a rainbow while wearing a green shirt on St. Patrick's Day! You can't get any luckier than that!
    • Tori: Scratch that... a guy in a luxury car just ran over our mailbox. Thanks for nothing St. Patrick's Day.

  • Tori: I can't believe Hollywood Arts doesn't celebrate April Fools' Day! In other news, I just got spanked by a giant lobster. What a weird day.

  • Tori: I feel like my life would be cheerier if I learned to play the harp. You never see an unhappy harpist.

  • Tori: I cant wear my fancy Easter dress this year, because Trina used it to wash her car.
    • Trina: Well we were out of rags, I had to use something.

  • Tori: Jade is driving me to school, Um...... Awesome?

  • Tori: Just got this text from a teacher: "Don't read texts while in school." If he doesn't want us to check texts in school, he shouldn't text us in school!

  • Tori: Why can Mexican restaurants never figure out the correct chip to dip ratio? Current Status: Salsa-less.

  • Tori: I've been studying Greek Tragedy all day and it's really bumming me out. Who knew tragedy could be so depressing?

  • Tori: I've been doing Trigonometry homework for 3 hours now! I go to Hollywood Arts what's so ARTISTIC about math?!?

  • Tori: ARGG!! STILL STUCK at Nozu with a billion pounds of GROSS SQUID!

  • Tori: Trina told me my black + white shirt made me look like a zebra, so i took it off. When i got to school, she was wearing it!
    • Trina: Well... zebra look good on me not you. Sorry.

  • Tori: Should i send in my audition to the Platinum Music Awards? Or not? I don't know... kinda nervous... Okay, i'm doing it!

  • Tori: Um... I'm wearing a new outfit today. It's uh... Different?

  • Tori: I'm craving some frozen yogurt right now. Normal yogurt just won't do!

  • Tori: Girls' night out! Who wants to hit up Nozu in the PM?
    • ​Robbie: Awesome! I'll meet you there!
    • Tori: Robbie, it's a GIRLS' night out. You can't come.

  • Tori: Trina shaved her legs for the first time in 6 weeks while lying on my bed. Gross times infinity!

  • Tori: Anyone know where Ponnie is?? Or why Sinjin is crying in the girls bathroom?!?

  • Tori: I really want some free craft service right about now. I wish school was more like a movie set.

  • Tori: Why on earth am I craving canned ham right now? Sometimes I don't understand my own stomach.

  • Tori: I'm having sushi... and I'M BLONDE! This excites me. :)

  • Tori: It's weird having a holiday on a Wednesday. Fireworks just aren't as fun midweek.

  • Tori: Just got an invitation to join the Stunt Lady's Union for "falling" in that movie last year! That was unexpected.
    • Beck: But you were the worst stunt person of all time.
    • Tori: I know, right!

  • Tori: I really wanted to sleep in today but woke up at 7:15 exactly. I have the world's most annoying internal alarm clock.

  • Tori: I have an arm hair that is longer than my big toe. That's not normal, is it? Time to pluck!

  • Tori: I had a nightmare that Jade and I were stage fighting again and when I woke up I was craving butternut squash. Weird.

  • Tori: A teacher just told me not to sing in the hallway. Apparently he's new here.

  • Tori: I sprained my pinky while flying a kite. I guess I just won the wussiest sports injury of all time award.

  • Tori: Labor Day!!! I don't actually have a job, but it's still good to get a day off!

  • Tori: The coffee place by the school has pumpkin lattes back in stock!!!!!! Is it weird that I'm so happy about this?!?

  • Tori: Why do I watch scary movies right before bed? I always have nightmares. I'm a wimp.

  • Tori: Andre is driving us ALL to Wankos! Cat is sitting by me. She smells GOOD :)

  • Tori: Time to train Robbie in hamboning. Why do I always get involved?

  • Tori: What's a polite way to tell Sinjin I don't wanna babysit his tarantula? I'll even settle for a slightly impolite way.

  • Tori: Hangin' out with… wait, it's NOT a "date" so… why did I tweet this?!?

  • Tori: I'm in a new play called The Juggler. I play a girl named Jugglin' Judy. The Problem? I can't juggle. I think I'm in over my head.

  • Tori: Every time Jade makes me mad, I just go to the gym and work off my rage. My muscles are getting huge!

  • Tori: My favorite new animal: MOOSE! Oh yeah. Ohhhh... yeahhhhh... :)

  • Tori: Spent the last hour churning my own homemade ice cream. Now it's ready and I'm too tired too eat it. :(

  • Tori: Every year I try to carve a really scary pumpkin, but it always comes out looking adorable. It's a curse. A cute little curse.

  • Tori: My hair is all sticky like maple syrup. That's the last time I buy budget Canadian shampoo!
    • Rex: That IS maple syrup. I switched out your shampoo the last time I was at your house.

  • Tori: iCarly's last episode is NEXT WEEK! Whaaa? Instead of being all sad about it, we at Hollywood Arts are taking this time to talk about our favorite iCarly webcasts/moments/characters/whatever! That's why this week's trend is: #GoodbyeiCarly

  • Tori: My sister accidentally locked herself in the bathroom today. Most peaceful Thanksgiving dinner my family's ever had.

  • Tori: I threw out that freaky Santa decoration last year. So… how's it back in my house? I'm scared. Can I stay with someone 'til January?

  • Tori: I'm stuck in an elevator inside a two-story building. That's what I get for being lazy and not taking the stairs.

  • Tori: I have berry ball juice in MY EYES!

  • Tori: Can someone come over and help me convince Trina that she does NOT need toenail implants?

  • Tori: I did NOT lose a fight to a 12 year old girl! Well… ok, SO WHAT IF I DID? Be quiet!

  • Tori: It's Christmas Eve! We don't have any chestnuts or open fires, so Mom and I are popping popcorn in the microwave. Close enough!

  • Tori: How come people on commercials always get brand-new cars for Christmas, but I never do? Reality should be more like TV.

  • Tori: Big news! I picked my Brain Squeezers team. It's me, and Andre, and Beck, and Robbie!

  • Tori: Hey, guys! Become my fan and I'll make an awesome new video for you this Saturday! Come back and check it out!!!

  • Tori: I'm just happy with the number of followers I have. So grateful. P.S. TELL EVERYONE U KNOW TO FOLLOW ME!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!

  • Tori: Hi. I'm covered with spit from a large dog. How you doin'?

  • Tori: I wish Trina would let me know that she has a foot fungus BEFORE she borrows my shoes! Now I think I have to burn them.

  • Tori: I'm fighting a GIANT BLOB! And I'm LOSING!

Segments on TheSlap
Jade with TotsWhat I HateCat Crashes Jade's HouseBeck and Jade's Relationship AdviceTori Takes RequestsCat Interviews Cute BoysCat Makes the Elderly LaughCat Teaches the ElderlyTrending Now!Public Service AnnouncementRex SingsCat's Random ThoughtsCooking With BeckCat Tells Jade a JokeCat and Jade's Bedtime StoryAngry Freak OutRobbie's ReviewsCat's Homework HelperChristopher Cane InterviewsRobbie's ImprovPranking SikowitzThe Funny Nugget ShowDrive-by-Acting ExercisesTweet Time with CatTrina's Acting WorkshopTrina's Open LettersTori Don't Care 'Bout Nothin'
Character Posts on TheSlap
List of Posts by Cat ValentineList of posts by Beck OliverList of Posts by Rex PowersList of Posts by SikowitzList of posts by André HarrisList of posts by FestusList of posts by Jade WestList of posts by Lane AlexanderList of posts by Sinjin Van CleefList of posts by Tori VegaList of posts by Robbie ShapiroList of posts by Trina Vega
André's Date DefenseBeck and Jade's RV RacerBeck Escapes Hollywood HottiesCat's Alien WipeoutChasing ToriCupcake GetawayDiddly-Bops' Food DropDitch the FishFreak the Freak Out: Confused KaraokeHollywood BeatsHollywood Beats 2Jade's Prom WreckerKwakoo's Sushi TowerMood MatchRex's Dunk For A BuckSikowitz's Acting ChallengeSinjin's Locker GameSkate With CatThe Great Ping-Pong GameTheSlap Cookie WrapTheSlap TriviaTori's Mustache BashTori's RacewayWanko's Warehouse Stacker
Characters' Profile Videos
Beck's Profile VideoTori's Profile VideoJade's Profile VideoCat's Profile VideoRobbie's Profile VideoSinjin's Profile Video